Envy and jealousy are negative emotions that can harm one's spiritual and emotional well-being. These emotions are considered destructive in Islam and are discouraged. According to motivational speaker Brendon Burchard, one way to deal with these emotions is to ignore the negative behaviour that results from jealousy and focus on one's own goals and path.
The Quran also addresses the issue of envy and jealousy, with God instructing believers to avoid "vain, useless talk" (Quran 28:55). Furthermore, Prophet Muhammad warned his companions about the pernicious nature of jealousy and warned them to beware of hasad, which can destroy good deeds just as fire destroys wood.
It's important to note, however, that not all forms of jealousy are bad. Prophet Muhammad also mentioned "good jealousy," or ghibtah, which is defined by protectiveness and a desire for something that someone else has without wishing to deprive the other person.
So, how does one go about overcoming jealousy and envy in their daily lives? Here are a few strategies that can be used both within and outside of the family circle:
1. Practice gratitude: Instead of focusing on what others have that we don't, we should be grateful for what we do have. This will assist us in shifting our perspective and reducing feelings of envy.
2. Consider the blessings in your life: Consider all of the blessings in your life, big and small. This will help you realise how much you have to be grateful for and will reduce feelings of jealousy and envy.
3. Seek refuge in Allah: Remember that only Allah can protect us from the negative effects of jealousy and envy. Seek refuge in Him and petition Him for protection.
4. Avoid backbiting and slander: Envy and jealousy can lead to backbiting and slander. When we are envious of what others have, we are more likely to commit these destructive sins. Backbiting and slander are both prohibited in Islam and should be avoided at all costs.
5. Seek the company of the righteous: Seek the company of righteous people who can influence you positively. Your company can have a significant impact on your emotions and behaviour.
Envy and jealousy are negative emotions that can harm our spiritual and emotional well-being. These emotions are considered destructive in Islam and are discouraged. We can overcome jealousy and envy in our daily lives by implementing strategies such as practising gratitude, reflecting on blessings, seeking refuge in Allah, avoiding backbiting and slander, and seeking the company of the righteous.
[1] Brendon Burchard, motivational speaker
[2] Hadith, Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim
[3] Hadith, Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim
[4] Quran 28:55 states: "And We had already given Moses and Aaron the criterion and a light and a reminder for the righteous" The verse is not directly related to jealousy or envy but it's mentioning the God's guidance for the righteous people to stay away from vain and useless talk.