The Divine Justice of Allah: A Perspective on Guiding and Leading Astray in the Quran and Hadith


The Quran and Hadith are religious texts that hold great importance in the Muslim faith, and they contain many verses that address the concept of divine justice and how Allah guides and leads astray. One such verse is from Surah Ibrahim, chapter 14, verse 4, which states: "It is Allah who guides who He wishes and leads astray who He wishes."

This verse raises questions about how Allah can guide some and lead others astray, yet still hold them accountable for their actions. To understand this concept, it is important to remember that life is a test for the hereafter and Allah has laid down the rules and regulations for human beings in the Quran and Hadith. As stated in the Quran in Surah Al-Mulk, chapter 67, verse 2: "It is Allah who has created death and life to test which of his servants are good."

It is up to the individual to follow the commandments and take advantage of the resources provided by Allah. Those who do not follow the commandments and do not take advantage of the resources will be held accountable for their actions in the hereafter.

Furthermore, in Surah Al-An'am, chapter 6, verse 125, it is stated that "Whosoever turns away from the remembrance of Allah, We appoint for him Satan as companion, and Satan will make him forget the remembrance of Allah." This verse highlights that turning away from the guidance of Allah will lead to the influence of Satan, which can lead to one's downfall.

In Hadith, it is stated that "Allah will guide the people according to their actions" indicating that Allah's guidance is not only based on His will but also on the actions of the individuals.

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