I'm regularly asked how Muslims should respond to bigotry and Quran burnings. Understanding the teachings of the Quran and Islamic scholars on how to deal with hatred in a society where anti-Muslim prejudice is on the rise is critical.
Islam encourages us to spend in the path of Allah in both good and bad times, to control our wrath, and to forgive others. This is stated in the Quran 3:134. Muslims are supposed to show tremendous reverence and devotion to the Quran, placing it on the highest shelf in their homes and typically wrapping it in exquisite embroidered velvet or silk material. Before touching or reading the Quran, the Islamic practise of washing hands, face, and feet is essential.
Muslims are supposed to silence their voices during the recitation of the holy texts. Muslims view any attack on the Quran as an attack on their soul. It is crucial to remember that the Quran forbids Muslims from approaching anyone who disparage Muslims or Islam. In some verses, there is a strict warning too.
In verse 6:68-69, the Quran orders believers to turn away from those who engage in blasphemy against Allah's signs until they begin to talk about something else. Verse 25:63 states that the true servants of the Most Compassionate are those who walk on the earth humbly, and when the foolish address them improperly, they only respond with peace. And in verse 41:34, Muslims are ordered to repel evil with what is better, and their enemies will become as close as intimate friends.
Islamic scholars claim that the Quran and Prophet Muhammad's PBH teachings can impact our reaction to incidents such as Quran burnings and other attacks on our faith. It's vital to remember that every civilization and religion has spiritual and holy values, and just because we don't have a good connection with someone does not give them the right to criticise them. Rejecting a religion is not the same as insulting it, demeaning its concepts, symbols, and resources in an attempt to devalue them.
Prophet Muhammad's PBH life is another area where Muslims can learn how to respond to hate. One of his most shared anecdotes involves an older woman who, out of hatred toward the Islamic messenger, tossed trash at him whenever he passed by her house. As the Prophet noticed that the woman was not there one day, he went to inquire about her well-being and discovered that she was ill. He then visited her to offer assistance, showing compassion and forgiveness even to his harshest critic.
We are all children of God, and at the centre of every faith is the belief in a loving and compassionate God. It is our job as members of society to preserve this concept and to show respect for all religions and their adherents. We must not allow any type of insult or contempt for anyone's beliefs, and we must instead be the ones to prevent such situations from occurring.
We are instructed in Islam to respond to hatred with compassion and forgiveness, just as the Prophet Muhammad PBH did. This idea, however, should be applied to all religions and all members of society. We must remember that, regardless of our own convictions, each religion has its own spiritual and holy values that must be honoured.
In a world where religious conflicts and tensions are on the rise, it is more important than ever to show compassion, understanding, and respect towards all religions. Let us strive to be the ones who promote peace, love, and unity, and not those who perpetuate hate and intolerance.